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Published: 1st September 2021

Citation: Astronist Institution. (2021). Starfall. Available: Last accessed [enter date e.g. 1st Sept 2021].


noun  Astroeschatology

the Astronist prophecy of the end of humanity, understood as caused by astronomical phenomena (typically an impact event), due to both humankind’s anthropocentricity and its incapacity to embark upon the Humanic Exploration of The Cosmos, regarded as avoidable by humanity’s choice of vesperism during Twilightide.


Great Fall of Stars
Exafanarian | ˈ ɛksəfanɛːrɪəˌ n | adjective & noun
Exafanarianism | ˈ ɛksəfanɛːrɪəˌ nɪz(ə)m | noun
Exafansis | ˈ ɛksəfansɪs | noun
Exafantic | ˈ ɛksəfantɪk | adjective
Exafantically | ˈ ɛksəfantɪk(ə)li | adverb


Astro-English: from Astronese, the word star is used here to denote “all that is astronomical and therefore all that is good” in Astronist terms and the word fall indeed is literally used to denote a decline, a descent from greatness so as to connote the “extinction of humanity” due to its continued forsaking of scope and therefore of transcension itself; use of the word exafanarianism is based on the Greek word exafánisi meaning “extinction.”

Encyclopaedic entry for “Starfall” on

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