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Port to the overworld

Published: 1st September 2021

Citation: Astronist Institution. (2021). Port to the overworld. Available: Last accessed [enter date e.g. 1st Sept 2021].

noun  Astroeschatology

a location on the surface of Earth or another planet regarded as a place where cosmised souls converge for their ascendence to the Overworld and is especially associated with places where astral visibility is the highest in a region.


Port of palladia


Astro-English: from Astronese, the word port is used to denote “a gateway” or “an entryway” to the abode of the dead which, in Astronist belief, is regarded to be intertwined with and manifest as the astronomical world as represented by the use of the prefix over- to denote that which “resides above” conjoined to the word world to denote “a place”, hence altogether meaning “a gateway to the place above.”

Encyclopaedic entry for “Port to the overworld” on

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